Not Roosevelt, but our baby. We were going to call this page "The Strenuous Life," but it was taken. Still, two ministers raising a newborn is awfully strenuous.
Theodore is just back from a visit to the Lone Star State, where he hung with his four Veazey cousins, Aunts Janet and Judy, Unca Gregg, and his ubiquitous maternal grandma. Much cuteness ensued.
Theodore is sitting upright these days. (Well, more or less -- he does falll and go bump a lot). We think he gets extra support from those chubby thighs.
This is the view from Watch Hill, in the southern part of the Adirondack Mountains. It's not Mt. Marcy, the one that other Theodore was climbing when he got the message about McKinley ... but it was a lovely workout for Daddy's aging knees.
Theodore was baptized at the Great Vigil of Easter. Since Daddy has a distinctive liturgical style (Mommy says it's called "crazy"), the service was held in near-darkness. Samy Habib took some great video (thanks, Sam), but this photo was posed the following day, after our Easter morning service.